Trying to heal from a break up with someone you never actually dated is a weird kind of pain because it totally shouldn't hurt as much as it does, and moving on should be way easier than it actually is. I'm committed to not bringing that man into 2023 with me, though. I will not reach out, but if he reaches out, I don't think that I have the strength not to respond. I often wonder if I over-romanticized him because I saw potential. I've written a lot of poetry about him and us over the last 2 months. God, I still can't believe it's been nearly 2 months since we broke up. I'm starting to forget bits and pieces of him and I hate that because it makes it feel less real. He's not even the last person I kissed (but that guy sucked so whatever). I kissed 3 guys in 2022 - two of them royally sucked and the other one broke my heart.
I'm still deciding whether I want to go totally unhinged 2016 era Liz this year, or if I want to go totally hiatus, healing era Liz. What I do know is that I want to live my life this year. I blew off so much fun shit in 2022 and I'm tired of doing that. So, here are my goals:
See Ashe (4/20)
See The Summer Set (4/27)
See Noah Kahan (9/16)
Go back to Toronto and explore the city
Get another tattoo
Quit my job (for real this time)
Figure out what I want to do with my life & my career
Focus on my physical and mental health
Read more
Say yes to more dates
(I'll add to this later but here's what I have for now)