On Wednesday, I see my therapist for the first time in over a month. I have to tell her that the guy I was seeing (B) - that we both thought was going to be really good for me - sucked and that he's gone. And that I slid into a different guy's dms but that he turned me down bc he's into my best friend (even though the feeling isn't mutual). And that the dating hiatus is back on. And that maybe that's a good thing because I have come to the disappointing realization that I am not over the last guy that I dated (J) and I don't know when I will be. So, I'm on a dating hiatus, at least in the sense that I will not be pursuing men, but if something happens naturally, then so be it. I think I'm slowly reverting back to 2015-2016 era Liz - the one who truly did not give a f*ck about anyone but herself. I'm just committed to doing what's best for me this year.
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